Anna Di Bartolomeo


Dr Adam Deane & A/Prof Marianne Chapman

Year 2010
Mark Honours 1st Class


  • Glucose Absorption Following Intragastric and Small Intestinal Administration, in the Matt Spence Medal at the 2010 Australia and NZ Intensive Care Society Annual Meeting.


  • Deane AM, Summers MJ, Zaknic AV, Chapman MJ, Di Bartolomeo AE, Bellon M, Maddox A, Russo A, Horowitz M, Fraser RJ. Glucose absorption and small intestinal transit in critical illness. Crit Care Med. 2011 Jun;39(6):1282-1288.
  • Deane AM, Summers MJ, Zaknic AV, Chapman MJ, Fraser RJ, Di Bartolomeo AE, Wishart JM, Horowitz M. Exogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 attenuates the glycaemic response to postpyloric nutrient infusion in critically ill patients with type-2 diabetes. Crit Care. 2011 Jan 21;15(1):R35.
  • Deane AM, Wong GL, Horowitz M, Zaknic AV Summers MJ, Di Bartolomeo AE, SimJA, Maddox AF, Bellon MS, Rayner CK, Chapman MJ, Fraser RJL. Effect of erythromycin on small intestinal nutrient absorption and transit in critically ill patients. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2012 95: June: 1396-1402.
  • Di Bartolomeo, AE, Chapman, MJ, Zaknic, AV, Summers, MJ, Jones, KL, Nguyen, NQ, Rayner, CK, Horowitz, M, Deane, AM 2012, ‘Comparative effects on glucose absorption of intragastric and postpyloric nutrient delivery in the critically ill’, Critical Care, 16(5):R167


I am a medical student from University of Adelaide.  In 2010 I completed Honours in the Discipline of Acute Care Medicine, through the Royal Adelaide Hospital Intensive Care Unit.

The focus of my research was is absorption of nutrient in the critically ill.  Nutrition therapy is essential for surviving critical illness and minimising complications associated with this period.  Critically ill patients are usually fed enterally, into the gastrointestinal tract.  My thesis was evaluating the effect of route of feeding, via an intragastric tube, or a postpyloric tube, on the absorption of glucose.  I was involved in studying the effect of the prokinetic drug, erythromycin, and its effect upon small intestinal transit time and absorption of glucose.