Dr Benjamin ReddiMA, PhD, FRCP(UK), FCICMGraduated from Cambridge University and worked in Edinburgh and Nottingham (Queens Medical Centre) before emigrating to Australia. Fellowship in advanced cardiopulmonary support, London. Research: Currently undertaking research into the basic physiology of vascular smooth muscle contraction and platelet function and their derangement in septic shock. These studies involve both human and animal work, translating molecular physiology insights into potential therapeutic strategies. The team uses both functional assays of isolated blood vessel contractility, molecular assays of contractile protein activity patch clamp techniques and whole blood impedance aggregometry. Previous research interests include using systems analysis in the fields of neurobiology (the LATER [linear approach to threshold at ergodic rate] model of decision making) and cardiac physiology (the 'venous excess' model of cardiac function). Undertook a sabbatical in a specialist cardiothoracic unit in the United Kingdom during 2015, specialising in ECMO. Interests: